Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Foundation EADS

Participants : Antoine Petit, Eric Marchand.

no. Inria Rennes 5605, duration: 36 months.

This contract ended in December 2013. It supported Antoine Petit's Ph.D. about 3D model-based tracking for applications in space (see Section  6.1.1 ).

Astrium EADS

Participants : Tawsif Gokhool, Patrick Rives.

no. Inria Sophia 7128, duration: 36 months.

The objective of this project that started in February 2012 is to investigate the general problem of visual mapping of complex 3D environments that evolve over time. This contract supports Tawsif Gokhool's Ph.D. (see Section  6.3.2 ).

ECA Robotics

Participants : Romain Drouilly, Patrick Rives.

no. Inria Sophia 7030, duration: 36 months.

This project started in May 2012. It aims at specifying a semantic representation well adapted to the problem of navigation in structured environment (indoors or outdoors). This contract is devoted to support the Cifre Convention between ECA Robotics and Inria Sophia Antipolis regarding Romain Drouilly's Ph.D.